Saturday, September 4, 2010

Grading Rubrics for TfU 2010

Rubrics for Component 1 (Oral interview) - 10%




Execution of the interview

Interview was conducted in a haphazard manner.

Not much thought has been put into the phrasing of the questions.

Interview was conducted in an organised manner.

Some thought has been put into the phrasing of the questions.

Interview was conducted in an organised manner with an obvious underlying theme.

Plenty of thought has been put into the phrasing of the questions.


Little or no effort has been made to phrase the questions such that they are linked to the research required in component 2.

Some effort has been made to phrase the questions such that they are linked to the research required in component 2.


Clarity of the interview transcript

Information and answers are presented in a disorganised fashion.

Information and answers are presented in a fairly organised fashion.


Rubrics for Component 2 (Background research) - 15%

1 -2

3 - 4


Writeup on the location of the photograph

Information does not clearly relate to the location of the photograph.

There is little or no detail with little or no evidence of research.

Little or no evidence of effort.

Information relates clearly to the location of the photograph.

There is a good amount of detail with evidence of varied sources of research.

Evidence of good effort put in.

Information relates very clearly to the location of the photograph

There is excellent detail with evidence of usage of numerous sources of research.

Evidence of excellent effort put in.

Writeup on the period or the era that the photograph is situated in

Information does not clearly relate to the era of the photograph.

There is little or no detail with little or no evidence of research.

Little or no evidence of effort.

Information relates clearly to the era of the photograph.

There is a good amount of detail with evidence of varied sources of research.

Evidence of good effort put in.

Information relates very clearly to the era of the photograph.

There is excellent detail with evidence of usage of numerous sources of research.

Evidence of excellent effort put in.

Writeup on Significance of the photograph

Information does not clearly relate to the significanc of the photograph.

There is little or no detail with little research.

Little or not evidence of effort.

Information relates clearly to the significance of the photograph.

There is a good amount of detail with evidence of varied sources of research.

Evidence of good effort put in.

Information relates very clearly to the significance of the photograph.

There is excellent detail with evidence of usage of numerous sources of research.

Evidence of excellent effort put in.

Rubrics for Component 3 (Reflection) - 5%




Individual reflection

Reflection reveals that the student shows little or no understanding on the purpose and objectives of the TfU project.

The student shows little or no effort in documenting his candid personal thoughts on the project.

The student reveals little or no insight.

Reflection reveals that the student shows some understanding on the purpose and objectives of the TfU project.

The student shows some effort in documenting his candid personal thoughts on the project.

The student has a commendable level of personal insight.

Reflection reveals that the student has shown understanding on the objectives of the TfU project.

The student shows tremendous effort in documenting his candid personal thoughts on the project.

The student demonstrates maturity in his personal insight.