In terms of the SBQ skills, you have already been introduced to inference questions for CA. The other skill that you would need to master is that of comparison skills.
The comparison question can come in a number of different forms:
1) How different are Source A and Source B?
2) How similar are Source A and Source B?
This is what you need in order to answer the question:
L3/3-4 - One similarity AND One Difference in source content
Remember, you need to have a point of comparison between the two sources. When you compare anything from cars to footballers, you always compare them on the basis of a number of items, e.g:
In terms of the clubs that the footballers play for:
Wayne Rooney and Michael Owen are different in terms of the clubs they play for. Wayne Rooney plays for Manchester United, whilst Michael Owen plays for Newcastle United.
In terms of the position:
Wayne Rooney and Michael Owen are similar in terms of their onfield positions. Wayne Rooney and Michael Owen are both forwards.
When you apply this to a SBQ, a point of comparison looks something like this:
The two sources are similar in as they both highlight the achievements of the Malacca Sultanate. [Point of Comparision] Source A states that "The Malacca Sultanate was a period of cultural and religous achievement" and Source B states that "The Malacca Sultanate was the largest empire in maritime Southeast Asia". [Evidence] Thus both sources clearly demonstrate the considerable achievements of the Malcca Sultanate.
Find one similarity and one difference and write them down in seperate paragraphs.
L4/5 - Similarity/Difference in Tone
Tone refers to the manner in which a source is written. Sometimes sources can sound the same, at others, sources can sound very different. When you look out for tone, look for things such as exaggerations and emotive words which will give you clues about how a source is written.
The two sources are different in terms of tone. Source A is written in a harsh and critical manner when it states that "Qin Shihuang ruled without any regard for his people", whereas Source B is written in an adulatory manner as it sates "Qin Shihuang makes clear the Way for the people".
L5/6 - Similarity/Difference in Purpose
We've already come across purpose in the 'why' question. So you would know what purpose is all about.
Sources can have similar and different purposes. So you can compare sources based on their purpose as well.
The two sources are different in terms of purpose. Source A was written with the purpose of criticising Qin Shihuang whereas Source B was written in order to convice people to support Qin Shihuang. This can be supported by Source A which states "...." and Source B which states "..."
So now you have an idea about comparison questions, to get the top marks, you need 4 paragraphs in total, one on similarity in terms of content, one on difference in terms of content, one similarity/difference in terms of tone and one similarity/difference in terms of purpose.
Here are the sources from CA2. Try to answer this question:
How similar are Source A and Source B in what they say about the rule of the Qin Dynasty?
Source A: A historian’s account of the actions of the first rulers of the Han Dynasty which had overthrown the Qin Dynasty.
As commoners under the Qin Dynasty, the rulers of the Han Dynasty knew the suffering that its harsh rule had brought to the people. They were quick, therefore, to abolish its more offensive laws and institutions, while leaving intact the rest of its elaborate machinery of government.
Source B: An extract of an account written by Sima Qian, a court historian of the Han Dynasty, after the collapse of the Qin Dynasty.
The First Emperor was greedy and short-sighted, confident in his own wisdom, never trusted his meritorious officials, nor got to know his people. He cast aside the kingly way and relied on private procedures outlawing books and writings, making the laws and penalties much harsher, putting deceit and force foremost and humanity and righteousness last, leading the whole world in violence and cruelty.”
Answers to follow shortly.
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