Monday, August 18, 2008


hi all,

This is the final part of your TfU project.

In this part of your project, we would like you to reflect as a group on what you have learnt from this project and how this project has made a difference to you.

What you need to do is to select one main highlight from parts I to III of your TfU project and to paste it on a piece of A3 paper. In addition you would need to write a short paragraph (3-4 sentences) on why you have chose this particular highlight. For example, for Part I, it could be that you found this part of your research interesting; for Part II, it could have been a very good picture that you took and for Part III, it could a part of your oral history interview that challenged your assumptions.

Thereafter, on the same sheet of A3 paper, you need to write a 300 word reflection which encompasses the following:
1) What difference has this project made to my view of racial harmony in Singapore?
2) What have I learnt about the heritage of the ethnic group/s that frequents this place of significance?
3) What have I learnt about the history of Singapore from this project?
4) What historical skills have I practised in this project and how have I used them?
5) Have my assumptions been challenged?
6) How can I improve in future?

You will be graded according to the following:

Aesthetics (40%)
Effort in including the different parts of the project (20%)
Design and Layout (20%)

Reflection (60%)
Effort - Length of Reflection (10%)
Depth of Reflection - Ability of the student to question biases, stereotypes, preconceptions, and/or assumptions and define new modes of thinking as a result (50%)

Good luck for the rest of the project!

Your History Teachers