Thursday, January 29, 2009


hi all,

The history help desk is now open!

Please post your questions in the form of a comment and a history teacher will get back to you very soon.

Do identify yourselves and your class in addition to which history teacher you are directing your query to.

For students from 1C and 1G, I am off for reservist duty so that means there might be a slight delay in my response, but I will get back to you soon.

Best Wishes,
Mr Tan


Unknown said...

Dear mr thiru
i did not recieve the history slides that you have send us. please send it to me

cai shuhang,1E

Tin Yat said...

Dear Mr Tan,
I do not understand what to do for part 2 of our TFU project as i have viewed a powerpoint from the past year able conducting an oral interview, it mentioned that we have to call "experts". I am extremely confused as I do not know whether family members are counted as experts. Also, are we supposed to record it or type it out.
I am extremely confused by the second part. Pls contact me at or text me at 82653295.

To Tin Yat, 1C

Daryl Tan said...

hi Tin Yat,

Don't worry about part II, we will do that in class when I get back. Don't start it yet, we haven't really covered the skills at this point in time.

Mr Tan